Analytics & Reporting

What gets measured, gets done!
Program compliance, cost controls, and reporting!

Ana­lyt­ics and Re­port­ing al­low you to mon­it­or pro­gram activ­it­ies, giv­ing you the tools to meas­ure your over­all pro­gram suc­cess!

Ana­lyt­ics and Re­port­ing are avail­able to ad­min­is­trat­ors with­in your Hubbux™ Re­wards. De­tailed re­ports like "Points Awar­ded" & "Points Re­deemed" are just a couple that will help give you in­sight in­to your busi­ness and how to bet­ter fo­cus your mar­ket­ing ef­forts. With this power­ful tool you can cre­ate cus­tom data re­ports for clients, staff mem­bers and much more!

  • Cost Controls
  • Risk Management
  • Program Compliance
    Program Compliance

We like to measure success by the great businesses that use our product every day.
See some of our Customer Buzz and judge for yourself!

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